The cup from were I drink my coffe
Tofu is kind of sick of me.. Since she now is ten months I have switched her to a grownup kibble (witch also is a vegetarian one). For such a long time I have been looking for a veggie one - and everybody have just shuck their heads and told me I was crazy to try to make my dog vegetarian...
Dont really think I can justifie killing one animal to feed another..
Well Tofu thinks I am crazy and she simply wont eat it! It is super good quality - and very expensive... Shes a princess, thats why :-)
I did flaxseed crispbread yeasterday - wich is my new obsession - since I am not always good at getting enough protein I thought about places were I could pimp my diet.. And my bread habits are somewhat very bad. As a lot vegetarians I get way to much gluten and bread... But these are a nice alternative.
I used
1 cup of flaxseeds
1 cup sunflowerseeds
1/2 cup sesameseeds
1 cup water
First I ground the sunflowerseeds - and pour it into a bowl.
I then mix the rest in the foodprocessor until it goes all sticky/jelly-like and then ad it to the sunflowerseed-flour.
Spread it out on oily bakingshets and bake until crisp at low low heat - my oven goes down to 100 celcius (probably an hour or so, depending on the heat and your owen)
Eat it with loads of avocado on top!
9 kommentarer:
Very nice cup!
Meget hyggelighed i den post.. finheds kop! Jeg forestiller mig straks at det er din mormor!
Undtagen den sure lille tofu! Jeg har en veninde, der har været veganer i mange år og har hund og katte.. Jeg kan da lige prøve at spørge om hun har fundet veganer hundemad? Vil kun spørge, hvis du gerne vil have det, så giv mig lige et prej! :)
Det ligner en dejlig mandag - på trods af den surmulende Tofu ;)
Knækbrødet ser ret så lækkert ud. Og det må være lidt af en omvæltning for en hund med vegetarfoder, men altså. Kan godt følge princippet om at dræbe et dyr for at fodre et andet!
Den hund ligner én man gerne vil være venner med.
MMM du må lade J smage et stykke af det knækbrød, så ville han blive vildt glad:) han går hele tiden og plager om vi ikke skal lave hjemmelavet knækbrød herhjemme, men ingen af os kan tage os sammen.
I loved Tofu's story. Your little princess!
I never thought about feeding animals vegetarian food before. That is something to think about it.
jeg storbager også knækbrød i øjeblikket. de er gode som mellemmåltider med lidt hummus ovenpå. jeg må prøve din opskrift. og fine-fine tofu.
Hmmm, Tofu looks really pissed off!
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