Yesterday I went to a seminar at my school about fashion blogging. One of the quotes I remember best, was when the professor said:
"Fashion blogging is a reflection of the society we have build these past years: we now are neo-kapapitalistic feminists - where our daily lifes concerns 'must haves' and 'look at what I am wearing today' posts"
A really depressing thought...
She also said the key to a got blog is to have somthing others whant-(good style - expensive clothes etc.)
So today I am doing the opposite- because to me, thats all way to depressing.
I am going to blog about what none of you want - and what i suppose is very unprestigious - shopping in LIDL...
I have absolutely no money - after Paris and the iPhone, so now I have to do all my groceries in this wery unromantic place.... They have no real brands - or almost - Gillette turns to Billette and the very lovely cola is called Freeway...
But boy is it cheap!
3 kommentarer:
Uh, jeg savner at gå til foredrag og seminarer på skolen! Nyd, det selvom at det er lidt deprimerende til tider, med den slags udtalelser/sandheder.
Heldigvis kan vi andet end det der bliver omtalt!
happy onsdag!
Ha ha - deprimerende og interessant og ikke helt sandt, hvis du spørger mig. Mange blogs fremstiller selvfølgelig 'det perfekte', men jeg synes også der er en tendens til at vise hverdagen - også, når den ikke er romantisk. Det er dit indlæg et godt eksempel på. Mere af det!
Hep hep, why do it their way, when you can do it yours???
I do agree that Lidl is not a place, you feel the biggest urge to visit. But if you have to, you can always look out for their cheap organic products, such as flour, wholemeal paste, oats, tomatoketchup, milk, eggs sugar, potatos, carrots, onions ( sometimes other veggies) and you might be a bit happier about Lidl:)
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