So now all my blogging absence has come to an end.. As you know I have been living without the internet for quite some time now - but today I have become the lucky owner of an Iphone4 - and blogger even have an app, so I can blog were ever I am :-)
Hopefully I can learn to take better photos than this one above. It is of tonight's dinner (carrot "steaks") but they just seem incredibly orange to me...
Anyways, hurray for silly gadgets that makes life more fun ;-)
5 kommentarer:
Oh may you share the recipe? I'm looking for vegetarian ones and yours truly looks good!
hi hi hi!
YOU're right!
BUT the hurrah is for us Emilia!
Now we get more eye candy from your kitchen and everyday happenings...I`m pleased.
Even though a little orange I'm sure they taste divine!
hooray for you! now you should get the instagram app! :) it's fun!
Big hurray for silly gadgets! congrats
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