I am finally done with school for this year - so now it's time for a little christmas!! Can't wait to catch up with all you lovely blogs out there - time has been so short lately.
Tomorrow I'm heading for Copenhagen and then I am celebrating christmas at M's house for the first time ever. I am so exited about trying something new for christmas eve..
8 kommentarer:
oh gosh you are so lucky you get to travel a little bit during the holidays! gorgeous pictures!
Jeeeej snow! Pictures look good! How exciting you'll be spending Christmas at your boyfriend's house for the first time! Have a nice weekend! :)
Stunning photograph...congrats with finishing school for the year! I hope your holiday is lovely.
Happy Happy Christmas!
Hope it's a white one! We're crossing our fingers here too!
Hurra for din juleferie. Du trængte også til den, kan jeg forstå. Os hårdtarbejdende studerende :) Selvom jeg nu ikke just er misundelig på de myreflittige butiksansatte i december måned, som man heller ikke må glemme. Skønt med nye traditioner. I år skal vi også til Sverige og prøve noget helt andet - eller i hvert fald lidt andet.
merry christmas !!!!
grattis till ferien!
Happy holidays ! I love that picture :)
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