I am so sorry I have been away for so long!!
Cutting to the chase; I have been splitting up from my husband.. It have been one of the hardest times in my life, but I am finally starting to see light at the end of the tunnel - things are looking brighter and I am slowly starting to se how my life is going to be great, also on my own, thanks to all my lovely friends...
I havent been reading to many blogs - so can't wait to catch up with all you guys!!
These pics are from your midsummer party the other night - a great party filled with sweet friends and love <3 - i am the third from the left :-)
12 kommentarer:
good morning...and HUGS from a far...sorry to hear your news,but am SO happy you're stepping forward and taking the good from the past and making things happen.
take care...and HAPPY SUMMER!
I am so sorry that you have been going through such a difficult time! My heart goes out to you! Here's to finding ourselves! xoxo
stay positive, difficulties make us stronger, life is beautiful no matter what and - you look great!
Jeg skulle lige til at skrive, at hende i midten var meget smuk! Og så var det lige dig.
Alt det bedste til dig i en hård tid.
O man that must have been ( and still of course) so tough! Good to hear you see some light again & can enjoy the company of friends.
Do something crazy this weekend :)!
so sorry to hear. good luck with everything! x
Det er jeg ked af at høre, må vœre ufattelig hårdt. Nu kan det forhåbentlig kun gå fremad. Det bedste til dig :-)
sorry to hear that - I'm glad you're beginning to feel better!
Jeg sender dig også alle de bedste tanker i denne tid. Det glæder mig, du har overskud til bloggen trods alt, for du har været savnet.
det er jeg ked af at høre - må være super hårdt...godt at høre du er ved at være ovenpå igen - gode venner er det bedste!
Hey I'm so sorry to hear. But good to hear that you are beginning to see the light again. Best of luck to you!
And with Ulla-Tofu at your side - nothing can really go wrong from here!
Har ikke været omkring din blog et stykke tid, så det har jeg åbenbart overset. Det er jeg ked af at høre. Håber du er ved at være lidt ovenpå, selvom det naturligvis tager tid.
Alt det bedste. Elsker stadig din blog og dine superlækre billeder.
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