Elisabelle: Oh Okay, had'nt heard about it before you mentioned it! Weird.. But true, it's kinda like something new is beginning.. Just dont know what it is yet:-)
kristina - no penny for them: Oh I am affraird i have'nt graduated quite yet! It's going to be a couple a years - but true I have to show some of my works soon anyway!
MODsquad: It is really so easy - the bread really likes rising overnight and then I just spoon it onto paper.. So easy - I promise.. I cover it with plastic film in the fridge.. Good luck!
Mara: So true when you first start backing you simply just can't go back to store-bought bread!
Hubbub: It's easy peasy.. Good luck!
Trinsch: Ja tak - det er da det jeg skal..! Det er så dejligt at jeg har tid man kan pjatte væk og nyde på skøjter!
Fruenswerk: Tak -bedømmelsen gik heldigvis rigtig godt! Og hvor vildt dejen overlevede!! Man skulle tro de bare var frosset helt til dej-is.. Sejt!
julochka: Thanks! I'll take a look at the page! Is one pic for each day for 2010 right?
Linda: Nej det var ikke den afsluttende mangler lige et par år, men vi har sådan nogle bedømmelser når hver semester afsluttes hvor vi skal vise alt vi har lavet, så det er lidt hårdt :-) Og ja vi tøser løber jo ned og køber alt det man har hørt hjælper mod influenza :-) min kæreste grinte bare af mig! Ved ikke om det er pga af urterne, men har det meget bedre nu. Og ja tror faktisk det der rødsolhat er meget godt. Jeg bliver ihvertfald ved!
10 kommentarer:
Pretty photos!
What a wonderful post...and I can't believe I missed your snow post AND your bread roll post...they look amazing!
can´t stop looking at your beautiful images! have a great week! hugs!
beautiful photo! love white.
what are those on the last photo, though? bones? i have a thingy with bones. we found a bunch of huge bones on the beach not long ago. completely whitewashed and smooth from the sea.
oh hi, seems i misunderstood what your exams meant. but in any case, i'd love to see some of your work! :)
gorgeous!! I can't exactly pinpoint what the last picture is of...but beautiful just the same!! hope you had a nice weekend!
Vilka fina vita bilder!
Beautiful shots! Thanks for the tip. I'll let you know how it goes when we make them!
Fine billeder og fede ponpons :)))
love these shots ...
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