With all my spare time I thougt I would learn to crochet. My grandma gave me a crash course, but its still very hard. I have no idea if I am doing it right...
Do any of you have a cool "beginners idea" what to crochet - or maybe know a simple recepie I can follow??
Thanks guys - the things on the last pic in the previous post is small cheramic "flowers". M and I bought them in Portugal this summer.. They never wilt and are always white and pretty - thought that was practical :-)
13 kommentarer:
A few days ago I was sitting in the train next to a lady with impressive crochet skills. I wish I was brave enough to try it :) love the results and I guess its quite meditative ones you get the hang of it. Good luck :)
I learnt to crochet over the holidays too...I have made 4 faceclothes so far...they're great!
But...that's about it...
LOVE that colour.
Sikke noget flot garn!!
Politikens Hœklebog er rigtig god. Min mor gav den til mig da jeg var hjemme i julen :-)
ser skoent ud! oev dig med smaa firkater og lav et simpelt "kludetaeppe" eller pudevaar. saa faar du bevaegelsen og rytmen. derefter kan du jo proeve med granny squares eller andre smaa ting - nettet er fuld af instruktioner.
politikens haeklebog har jeg ogsaa hoert er god, men du skal maaske overveje at forsoege dig med nogle engelske intriduktioner (fra nettet). paa den maade laere du de engelske termer og kan bedre foelge opskrifter fra nettet. det tog mig (og tager stadig) lidt tid at "oversaette" naar jeg kigger paa engelske opskrifter.
fantastic ! i admire the people who are patient enough to try crochet... Courage !
Don't have any clue about crochet but I really love your first picture!
Lovely photos! Good luck with this project!
i'm helpless at it. Hope that at least you are having fun :)
It took me ages to learn how to crochet(several years actually), but don't get discouraged this is supposed to be a encouraging message. it helps to read different instructions and learn from different people and then it will just suddenly click. though grandmas are the best at these kind of skills i've noticed, but yes variation is the name of the game.
good luck! i'm sure you'll be a super crocheter soon.
p.s. love the colour of your yarn
beautiful photos and awesome colour :-)!
I´m also a beginner to crochet..but it makes fun:-)!
greetings to you
Fantastisk hækleri - også selvom man ikke ved, hvad det ender med. Det gør bare processen endnu mere spændende :)
I don´t know how to crochet, but I wish you good luck!
Ser hyggeligt ud...bliv ved..god terapi...start med en lang nøgle rings snor/bånd? hihi
Kvinderne i min familie har altid hæklet og strikket...jeg strikkede en karklud, meget skæv før jeg begyndte i skole...haha...husker det tydeligt...
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