Went on a trip to Odense the other day - they have recently oppened the largest IKEA of scandinavia - everything was soldout and it was pretty awfull, but on the bright side we passed this little shop on our way. It says; Antique bookstore and clog seller - Thought it was a weird mix of stuff to sell in a shop, right:-)
søndag den 31. januar 2010
Went on a trip to Odense the other day - they have recently oppened the largest IKEA of scandinavia - everything was soldout and it was pretty awfull, but on the bright side we passed this little shop on our way. It says; Antique bookstore and clog seller - Thought it was a weird mix of stuff to sell in a shop, right:-)
fredag den 29. januar 2010
Okay I am back now. Simply just needed a little blog-a-cation. Time away from the internet can do wonders.. Started school again and the pics are from this weeks project about bauhaus - I made it edible...
Great to be back!
torsdag den 14. januar 2010
mandag den 11. januar 2010
Beginners crocheting
With all my spare time I thougt I would learn to crochet. My grandma gave me a crash course, but its still very hard. I have no idea if I am doing it right...
Do any of you have a cool "beginners idea" what to crochet - or maybe know a simple recepie I can follow??
Thanks guys - the things on the last pic in the previous post is small cheramic "flowers". M and I bought them in Portugal this summer.. They never wilt and are always white and pretty - thought that was practical :-)
søndag den 10. januar 2010
Elisabelle: Oh Okay, had'nt heard about it before you mentioned it! Weird.. But true, it's kinda like something new is beginning.. Just dont know what it is yet:-)
kristina - no penny for them: Oh I am affraird i have'nt graduated quite yet! It's going to be a couple a years - but true I have to show some of my works soon anyway!
MODsquad: It is really so easy - the bread really likes rising overnight and then I just spoon it onto paper.. So easy - I promise.. I cover it with plastic film in the fridge.. Good luck!
Mara: So true when you first start backing you simply just can't go back to store-bought bread!
Hubbub: It's easy peasy.. Good luck!
Trinsch: Ja tak - det er da det jeg skal..! Det er så dejligt at jeg har tid man kan pjatte væk og nyde på skøjter!
Fruenswerk: Tak -bedømmelsen gik heldigvis rigtig godt! Og hvor vildt dejen overlevede!! Man skulle tro de bare var frosset helt til dej-is.. Sejt!
julochka: Thanks! I'll take a look at the page! Is one pic for each day for 2010 right?
Linda: Nej det var ikke den afsluttende mangler lige et par år, men vi har sådan nogle bedømmelser når hver semester afsluttes hvor vi skal vise alt vi har lavet, så det er lidt hårdt :-) Og ja vi tøser løber jo ned og køber alt det man har hørt hjælper mod influenza :-) min kæreste grinte bare af mig! Ved ikke om det er pga af urterne, men har det meget bedre nu. Og ja tror faktisk det der rødsolhat er meget godt. Jeg bliver ihvertfald ved!
fredag den 8. januar 2010
I am all done with my exams and they went great..! I feel like it's always hard with creative work, because I fell like I use myself; maybe even to much and it gets to personal - so its even better when it goes well:-)
I finally have time to do relaxing stuff and read blogs!! One of the many things I am going to do is bake a bit - previously some of you have asked for the recepie I bake from so here goes:
Mix 10 grams off yeast with half a liter of water - then 1 spoon og salt - 1 cup of flax seeds - 1 cup of pumpkin seeds - 1 cup of wheat grains and I then add spelt flour until its a sticky dough.. I sometimes add a grated carrot aswell... I then leave it over night in the fridge and bake at 200 c until done :-) Have fun!
mandag den 4. januar 2010
Minus plus minus
It is getting freezing cold in Denmark.. Soon It's going to get so cold, that we can go ice skating in the nature - I hope!!
søndag den 3. januar 2010
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