Was drunk last night... Fell on my way home.. All by myself luckily.. So now Im drinking as much water as i can, and eating these smothie-ice-lollies i made yeasterday with fruits and raisins.. Hopefully they will cure me soon... The photo with the graze is for me to look at the next time I fell like drinking in Kolding... I am getting old!!!
søndag den 31. maj 2009
Was drunk last night... Fell on my way home.. All by myself luckily.. So now Im drinking as much water as i can, and eating these smothie-ice-lollies i made yeasterday with fruits and raisins.. Hopefully they will cure me soon... The photo with the graze is for me to look at the next time I fell like drinking in Kolding... I am getting old!!!
tirsdag den 26. maj 2009
Im doing a project about home-birth and the inspiration is this amazing old book from the seventies. I left out the pictures of the birth for people who think its a bit much : )
Its amazing how many people who have an oppinion about home-birth. Got so many fun and interesting stories so far in my research....
lørdag den 16. maj 2009
Second hand in Kolding is really good... The other day I found this blue glass ashtray ( the cigaretts is from my friend Jacob!! ) and some knifes and forks and payed 6 kr for all of it..!! Thats less than an €....!! I guess that's one of the very few good things about living in kolding..
tirsdag den 12. maj 2009
Normally I have a 'no-alcohol'-policy during the week, otherwise Kolding would lead me to heavy-alcoholism :-) Today the sun was shining and I just could not resist.. Just great!!!
mandag den 11. maj 2009
lørdag den 9. maj 2009
Doing a projeckt with pearl-plates at the moment. They are so time consuming to make!! We used 8000 pearls...
onsdag den 6. maj 2009
fredag den 1. maj 2009
International Workers' Day
Today is International Workers' Day so thought about going to the park to celebrate, but unfortunately there was nothing but drunken teenagers on my way overthere. Instead I decided to enjoy the sun at a café and look throug this little book i found in my husbands book collection. "De røde synger" means The red sings"
Happy Workers' Day!!!
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