I grew up in the city, so stuff that has anything to do with gardening and flowers is very foreign for me : ) Despite that, I've always enjoyed growing garden cress inside... This portion ended up in egg-salat.. yum yum..
Monday is always my baking day. I love to bake. Yesterday it was traditional cinamon-snails and buns... Today I spendt the whole day baking aswell, not for eating purposes though- for a projekt in school. I'll post some of the pictures tomorrow:-)
Finally my husband and I got our own appartment in Copenhagen! With me going back and forth from Kolding money has been tight, but now we finally found somthing we could afford.. Everythings is one big moving-mess and the man who used to live here have left all sorts of things behind. Among others a piano and a sofa :-) so its going to take a while to arrange as we like it..
torsdag den 19. marts 2009
I <3 my 'amager-hylde'
Found it second hand in Kolding, practically for free. My husband hang it the other weekend, never seen him so proud of his handy-work as he was that day...
The worst thing about being in Kolding is that i have to eat alone. I try to get out and eat at friends places as often as possible when i have time, but sometimes I am bussy so I eat with the computer on.. Tonight I dined with Calista Flockheart, among others.. I had home made falaffels, yum yum...
I hope that spring will come to Kolding soon. I found this little branch today as i went for a walk. Hopefully there is going to grow green leaves on it soon..
Started on the harbour-projekt. So far it has come to this, but dont really know what it is going to end up with :-) It was fun painting at the harbour and several af the working men came over to check out was I was doing, they just laughed...
I am making a projekt about the industrial harbour in Kolding at the moment. Here is a couple of the inspirational pics taken on a lovely sunny day....
tirsdag den 10. marts 2009
Had weaving in school, it did'nt turn out very sucessfull, but it was so fun...
For now it's just back to schoolwork, drawing and quiet province-life...
Still sick.. Starting to get tired of thea.. Even thougt its from these cups we got as wedding presents. Think ill try to get outside and meet my friend Nana today.. Have been reading so many blogs :-) To look on the positives its been great having time for that..
I've been sick!! So sick, down with the flu. It has been awfull, but luckilly my husband have been taking good care of me in copenhagen. Took these photos on my way from Kolding to Copenhagen last weekend. The city was so incredibly emty...