onsdag den 22. februar 2012

First what I wore post, ever!

What I wore today :::::


So this morning was the premiere of my new bathroom!! --HAPPINESS! -- nothing less...

In the beginning the whole showering in the kitchen in a little tub was fun -- but with time I stopped laughing.. January came, .. along with my boyfriend being 2,3 meter - I simply had to do something...
Never have a shower felt better - or more luxurious :-)

BTW;; If you are wondering about the photo --- I'm in the train on my way to AARHUS ::: - that's why !!

2 kommentarer:

linda; sagde ...

haha, du er helt skøn! og med nyvasket hår. mmh. jeg sidder snart i toget på vej mod fyn - og så sverige. måske vi ses på vejen frem & tilbage?

Lisa Kjellerød sagde ...

Ha ha! Your clean hair looks lovely!