tirsdag den 8. december 2009

We drank a lot of cava and gin & tonics in Spain.. Comming out of the bar one night we thougt we had drunken one to many - we saw Hilter and Rommel as a miniature play dolls!!

But no! It was true they actually sell that in Spain!!!

5 kommentarer:

HELLO TIGER! sagde ...

OMG, the dolls sure looks scary :/

We Blog Artists sagde ...

OH..that's wierd!
Sounds like you had a great time!
Congrats on the Anniversary...sorry been away for a while...back again!

flo's diner sagde ...

Hvor mærkeligt!
Men fine drinks, mmm....

Ulrika sagde ...

Andra och tredje bilden är magiska!

sara sagde ...

Jeg kan rigtig godt lide billede af glasset med agurkeskiven :)