Ser fantastik ud!
Looks yummy too!!
Hi Emilia - thanks for the compliment on my blog. Luckily it's not hard to return it - those rolls look great. Care to share your recipe?
Sår'n ska bollen bages!
Waah, looking good! I should start baking bread too!
Oh wow, your bread looks really good and it's making me hungry ;). Hopefully soon I'll have a break from writing my essay(I know, I'm secretly procrastinating by reading blogs) and I'll find something as appetizing.
Looks delicious!
oh tell me more....I would love to make it
Rumle-rumle, fortsætter maven med at sige.
oh would you share the recipe?
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10 kommentarer:
Ser fantastik ud!
Looks yummy too!!
Hi Emilia - thanks for the compliment on my blog. Luckily it's not hard to return it - those rolls look great. Care to share your recipe?
Sår'n ska bollen bages!
Waah, looking good! I should start baking bread too!
Oh wow, your bread looks really good and it's making me hungry ;). Hopefully soon I'll have a break from writing my essay(I know, I'm secretly procrastinating by reading blogs) and I'll find something as appetizing.
Looks delicious!
oh tell me more....I would love to make it
Rumle-rumle, fortsætter maven med at sige.
oh would you share the recipe?
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