tirsdag den 31. maj 2011
Vitamin B12
Unfortunately the only vitamins I get at the moment, being at school 14 hours a day really limits your menu :-)
torsdag den 26. maj 2011
BA 2
I use my camera for nothing else than to document my bachelor-process these days.... It's a project about communicating through textiles - all made for the produktion of the danish textile firm Georg Jensen Damask. But I'll show you more when I'm done...
And whats up with Pinterest!!?? They put me on a waiting list!! So I am yet to add you all as friends in there - but as soon as I get an account :-) !!
lørdag den 21. maj 2011
From my inspiration folder on my desktop... I have no idea were the pics are from, so sorry for that!
søndag den 15. maj 2011
∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆ TOFU 1 YEAR ∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆
Yesterday Tofu had her first birthday ever ! So we celebrated by eating cake and dressing her up in her new set of wings I gave her.. Also my little sister came all the way from Copenhagen to be here - that's what dog-aunts are for I suppose :-)
Anonym: Tofu er den bedste race der findes; nemlig en Shih Tzu :-)
Trine: Tak for de fine ord! Det er altid dejligt at nogen kan lide det man lave :-)
Kira: Ja Jeg kan se du også elsker ting i vinduet.. Men det er fandme svært at holde når man jo bare er vokset op på østerbro uden så meget som en enkelt lille potte plante at øve sig på ;-)
Lisa K: Oh good luck with the norwegiean! Hope your not struggling so much with it anymore!!
Andrea : Tak, søde ord varmer!!
Sarah Carlson: Ej men i det hele taget er der ikke noget småborgerligt i at plante ting! Trust me - i Bilka kolding køber folk deres Basilikum tørret!! - Det er småborgerlig :-)
lørdag den 7. maj 2011
So sorry for not having been checking in for sooo long! I am not dead - just insanely busy with my bachelor!! I dread and loong for the 14. of June were I have my final exam - then i will move back to Copenhagen with a bachelor of fine arts in textile design :-)
Also cant wait to catch up withall of you guys - I still get a blog fix now and then, but time for commenting, not so much I am affraid!
Hope you all have a lovely - and much more relaxing weekend than me :-)!!
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