mandag den 28. februar 2011


When is it going to melt??? I need SPRING!!!
Hazel: Er så enig.. For mit vedkommende har det altid været det at inspirere og blive inspireret som var målet... Da jeg først opdagede blogs var jeg helt overvældet af alle de fine ting laver..
Millo: Jo, jeg vil selvfølgelig gerne gi' råd hvad det angår... Skriver lige en rigtig god mail her en af de nærmeste dage.. Men tror allerede jeg kan løfte slørret for at jeg altså lidt syntes du skal overveje Kolding :-)
Kongemor: Ja selvfølgelig..! Men tjek også lige Krakow ud for det skulle være en by med lidt mere kultur (Jacob snakkede om at i tit tog til koncert og sådan) Det dyrker jeg jo ikke rigtigt :-) Brugte mere turen til hotel luxus og vildt lækker gourmet mad som ikke kostede en skid. Som du kan se her var det ikke kunst vi kiggede vildt meget på :-)
Birthe: Nej, ud med kapitalismen og ind med alt for lækre fund fra Frankrig... Butikken hed Gurisol - Det er vidst en trash-genbrugs-kæde, så kig efter dem!!
Ida Rud: Nej det var jo MGP vi fejrede..! Og jo på trods af den majen cola og pommes var jeg stadig groggy om søndagen..
nej, aner virkelig ikke hvorfor man behandler sig selv sådan... Et af livets mysterier :-)
Linda: Ja den er så ond den film...! Fantastisk scenografi - men meget klam film... MGP var nu også så forudsigeligt og klisteret som det kunne være.. Meeen - lagkagen - den var god :-)
Jokemijn: Yes that's the best part about being hundover - I always treat myself with loads of good and unhealthy stuff - the weird part is, that I always think i deserve it :-)
Malene: Ja håndværkerne er væk - det varede dog lidt - og de kommer ALDRIG igen :-) Det kan jeg godt love dig!!

søndag den 27. februar 2011

Never drink again - I promise this time!

Have been imensely hungover today - but this little baby sure made it all better + there was the danish Eurovision Song Contest on the telly - what more can you wish for??
Don't worry I didn't eat it alone...

fredag den 25. februar 2011

Paris Fashion

Found my new favourite dress for 5 € in a thrift shop in Paris :-)
Linda: Ja ser du.. Det er fordi jeg mugligvis skal performe/lave kål folkekøkken på Roskilde(krydser finger) Og så er kransene forhåbentlig en del af menuen :-) Og ja ud med sort/hvid, ind med fremtiden!
Anne Kristine: Ja og super nemt med tumblr.. Instagram er helt fjollet sjovt.. Føler mig som om jeg lever i 70'erne :-)
Kongemor: Ja det er rigtigt de har faktisk ret mange øko ting..! og Fairtrade halløj - og det bedste af det hele er at de altid skriver et stort V når tingene er vegetariske! Hurra for billig god shopping! Så du forresten det Westin link jeg snakkede med Jacob om?? Det er så luxus-til ingen penge nice!
Birthe: Ja det fik mig virkelig til at tænke over hvad det egentligt er jeg blogger om og de blogs jeg læser for den sags skyld. Sandt, det er hverdag - og den inspiration vi finder rundt omkring os. Men syntes nu heller ikke vores blogs rammer begrebet modeblogs - det er mere noget inspirations agtigt, ikke? eller hvad fortæller du andre folk som ikke læser blogs, du blogger om: hverdagen? Ser ihvertfald ikke mig selv som neokapitalistisk feminist - så skulle ihvertfald ha flere penge :-)
Fasterfis: Ja netop vi kan sku så meget.. Nyder det i fuldedrag og ville endda ønske vi fik flere af sådan nogle seminare.. men det har nok noget med penge af gør, som alt andet her på skolen:-)

torsdag den 24. februar 2011


I am overwhelmed with all the possibilities there is in an iPhone - one of them is uploading pics on the road, so thanks to Whitney I found a program that does it for me :-)
I made a link on our right, so feel free to follow me around :-)


Yesterday I went to a seminar at my school about fashion blogging. One of the quotes I remember best, was when the professor said:

"Fashion blogging is a reflection of the society we have build these past years: we now are neo-kapapitalistic feminists - where our daily lifes concerns 'must haves' and 'look at what I am wearing today' posts"

A really depressing thought...

She also said the key to a got blog is to have somthing others whant-(good style - expensive clothes etc.)

So today I am doing the opposite- because to me, thats all way to depressing.
I am going to blog about what none of you want - and what i suppose is very unprestigious - shopping in LIDL...
I have absolutely no money - after Paris and the iPhone, so now I have to do all my groceries in this wery unromantic place.... They have no real brands - or almost - Gillette turns to Billette and the very lovely cola is called Freeway...
But boy is it cheap!

onsdag den 23. februar 2011


So whats up with Bloglovin? - Why haven't anybody told me about it :-) Never really thougth about why I got so many hit redirected from there - but yesterday I checked it out - and it seems so much cooler than-google rss - from where i normally reed my blogs.. I made link so you can start bloglovin, if you are like me - years behind :-) Otherwise I see you in there!

tirsdag den 22. februar 2011

***///Cupcakes ///***

Because I am hopelessly stuck in Kolding I haven't been to Agnes Cupcakes in Copenhagen yet, but found this lovely place in Paris! I had the red velvet one :-)

Maries old house

Versaille was the biggest experience in Paris - everything was grand and the feeling I got from being there was amazing - the first movie I had to see after comming home was Coppolas "Marie Antoinette"

lørdag den 19. februar 2011

Books and Stuff

My life without internet at home lasted for about 2,5 months... It was such a weird and great experience.. I dont have any television either so when I was alone - I was really alone.. I do have a radio and started reading a lot of books. Found out that my local thrift shop actually had all the danish classics from the seventies for only 5 kroner...
But must admit it is good getting the old interfriend back...
Have so much blog reading to catch up on - can't wait to see whats going on where you guys are!
Oh and the recepie for the "carrot steaks" in the iPhone4 post is:
4 big grated carrots
1 grated zucchini
2 eggs
1 finely chopped onion
3 heaped tablespoons of flour
a pinch og dryed: basil, oregano, rosemary and thyme ( or witch ever you prefer, sometimes I also use grounded cummin)
salt and peper
I water out the zucchini and the carrots in salt-(mush a good deal of salt into the veggies, wait a sec and drain them as much as you can)
add the rest of the ingredients and fry for quite some time in a bit of oil (they need more than meat normally does)

Snack Time

Did I mention the snacks in Paris??

Paris in the Winter

So last week I went to Paris to show my textiles at the big Premier Vision fare. It's beem ages since I last went to Paris so I almost couldent remember anything from it - but I was so happily surprised by the city - so much great food and such nice aestetics everywhere, just coulden't resist all that cheese and cake, not to mention the wine;-)

onsdag den 16. februar 2011

Iphone 4

So now all my blogging absence has come to an end.. As you know I have been living without the internet for quite some time now - but today I have become the lucky owner of an Iphone4 - and blogger even have an app, so I can blog were ever I am :-)
Hopefully I can learn to take better photos than this one above. It is of tonight's dinner (carrot "steaks") but they just seem incredibly orange to me...
Anyways, hurray for silly gadgets that makes life more fun ;-)

torsdag den 3. februar 2011


Somethimes when i take pics of Tofu she looks lige the child of beauty and the beast... But I love her just as much anyways...
Charlotte: Yes I really have to get better at posting recepies when i cook... you can use in so much... instead of meat... Oh and yes the light if only we were in Mallorca right now - its such an lovely island...
A little happier: Thanks!!
Anonym: Jeg ved det:-) Ville så gerne ha mere tid til det... Har levet uden internet derhjemme; men nu har jeg endelig snart noget igen... så ved jeg det bliver bedre;-)