søndag den 28. februar 2010

Polish sightseeing

Had the best romantic time in Poland - It was grey, rainfull and the weather was horible, good thing we lived at the most lovely hotel - but we walked a lot discovering the city - eating great (Probably not that polish:-) food...

tirsdag den 16. februar 2010

Of we go!!!

Tomorrow M and I are of to Warsaw!! Then, after four days in Poland I'll hop on a plane to Vilnius, Lithuania were I meet up with my class mates - were we are going to visit the art-academy and factories that produces textiles.. I am getting so exited!! I'll be far away from everyday life and doing dishes - Hurray!

Hope I'll get loads of great pictures I can share!

So until we blog again - Take care!!

torsdag den 11. februar 2010

Made these for a project in school - with the weather we got, I think i'll have the pleasure of them for a while - it is still soooo cold outside....

onsdag den 10. februar 2010

The Emilia Diet :-)

You guys asked me what I eat when I try to be healthy like now..

I eat loads of fresh vegetables - Raw food is a big inspiration - so, as much as I can, I eat them without cooking..

I eat fresh fruit

Milkfree "ice-cream" with ricemilk and grated coconut (pic number 1)

I eat eegs, poultry, fish, millet, cornflour, seeds and chickpeas...

Pic numnber 3 and 4 is my lunch; grated beetroot and homemade parsley hummus..

The last pic is mashed dates, cocoa powder with coconut - yum yum

So If any of you guys have some interesting recepies or a food blog I have to see please lett me know..

mandag den 8. februar 2010

I am eating a LOT of blueberries these days - It was time for my biannual detox.. I have been gluten, dairy and sugar free for over 2 weeks now.. Feels pretty god - not as hard as it could be..
Hope you have a great week!!

mandag den 1. februar 2010

One of my beginners-crocheting-projects; a bag for my money and my cellphone... Also made a pair of wrist worms.
Crocheting is really amazing - Just have to practice :-)