I were tagged by
Brit a million years ago and never got around doing the tag... I were to tell 10 true things about myself and then tag others..
Maybe deffianately not the most interesting things, but true:-) So here we go:
1. I am a huge fan of Jessica Simpson, not the music, just the person
2. When I eat pancakes i have no 'stop'
3. I am allergic to raw carrots and nuts
4. I had only known my husband for 3 months when we got married
5. I pretend to enjoy to read. I start but, never get the books finished
6. I have a new found love for the gym
7. Reading blogs inspire me and makes me relax
8. My biggest travel wish right now is going to Vietnam
9. I am very much in love (with my husband offcourse:-)
10. When I go on holiday I have a neurotic side, who at least have to eat two pepper-steaks for dinner when we are away
I tag
Pernille, my upstairs neighbour from Kolding, who just started blogging, and everybody else who wants to play along....