tirsdag den 27. oktober 2009

I am sick.. Slept for 14 hours this night.. Feel like it's just such a time-depriver..

Actually this blog has been quite fall-depressing lately.. I am sorry, hopefully I will cher up soon :-) Well all I am waiting for right now is christmas - my favorite season of all!

onsdag den 21. oktober 2009

Oh Kolding!

Kolding is turning GREY - and I cant do a thing about it...

mandag den 19. oktober 2009

Okay I admit it! I have not been eating very healthy while enjoing my holiday! But now its back up on the horse - riding down to the gym - and eating tons of vegestables..

I promise!

Ulrika - Its freezing cold in Denmark at the moment! But then it's even more lovely inside :-)
Brit - I did very much! But my husband is a bit of a geek, so I think he had an even better time.. His face was precious when he found all the mushrooms!
Ida - Ja det er bare blevet så rå-koldt her det sidste stykke tid! Så ja bare kom igang med pindende! og ja det er allerede snart man skal tænke på produktionen af gaver, godt du lige minede mig om det!
asphaltandair - Yeah they are so beautiful - when we found the poisoness ones I still felt like tuching them.. I have an assignment for school so I think Im going to draw some pretty soon!
mieke willems - Thanks.! And just come to scandinavia - then you can :-)

torsdag den 15. oktober 2009

Just came home from a trip to my fathers summerhouse in the northern part of seeland.. Went mushrum hunting, but only found these inedible ones in the forrest!! I gues we were to late in the season since all the good ones were gone. Or maybe I'm just encredibly impatience:-) Anyway we whent back to the house and discovered that our garden was packed with nice edible ones!! Pretty lucky hu ?!?!
Forgot to take photos - we were soo hungry!!

søndag den 4. oktober 2009


I were tagged by Brit a million years ago and never got around doing the tag... I were to tell 10 true things about myself and then tag others..
Maybe deffianately not the most interesting things, but true:-) So here we go:

1. I am a huge fan of Jessica Simpson, not the music, just the person
2. When I eat pancakes i have no 'stop'
3. I am allergic to raw carrots and nuts
4. I had only known my husband for 3 months when we got married
5. I pretend to enjoy to read. I start but, never get the books finished
6. I have a new found love for the gym
7. Reading blogs inspire me and makes me relax
8. My biggest travel wish right now is going to Vietnam
9. I am very much in love (with my husband offcourse:-)
10. When I go on holiday I have a neurotic side, who at least have to eat two pepper-steaks for dinner when we are away

I tag Pernille, my upstairs neighbour from Kolding, who just started blogging, and everybody else who wants to play along....

fredag den 2. oktober 2009

Filt shoes and weekend-chocolate....

Made these 'shoes' today from some leftover filt i found. The material is very hard to sew in so they became incredible weird, but they are lovely light and warm to wear :-) The chocolate is whats for dessert tonight..

Hope you have a lovely weekend!!